Showing posts with label freeform. Show all posts
Showing posts with label freeform. Show all posts


New me new year

 There is no new me;just an improved behavior modification with years of trauma behind me?

Love to say that trauma doesn't exist but sadly it does as its permeating scars. The veil is still there though, disguising the inner sadness as something a little less wicked.

I hate still being tired from fibro. Sucks. However the 8 hour meditation sleep hypnosis always helps. Glad for youtube  content creators .

Been a couch potato with classic game shows. I hear max has a new show with skating.. should look into it.

The friends game show isn't too bad but a bit long for my taste.

Idk what else to say, it's Friday and tge snowflakes are light outside my apartment window. 

Very cold. Not gonna make it past 35. Yuck,, there's how many days until summer?


Is it..

 Odd that random stuff pops up in my brain that are after the fact, "hey!, where did that come from".?

What's the difference between taking things personally versus reacting emotionally?

I've been working on myself, the marriage of meditation and mediation..

The wait of weight;

That type of thing...


Be Still

Be still

Posted by MoonGyrl on September 9, 2013

Be still my beating heart, 

at long last I sing to thee…

A sting that left me apart

to and fro, alas a lark…

Has entered the horizon, 

a glaze for ablaze…

The moon has no fear;

it is always near.

The sun is my son 

but the soul is sole.

Water is therapy…

heating on the skin of antiquity. 



 Ok. I got very sick more than 3 weeks ago that led me to reevaluate certain areas of my health and life instances. 

Never thought I'd vomit 🤢 though! Wasn't just that, my bppv came back at the same time along with enhanced anxiety. Everything seems to happen in three's,  looking back to the love and heartwarming support of my dad and brother; life sure teaches much when you think you know it all. It's the appreciation of positive energies that engulfed my spirits and my disability. 

Slow down, slow slow and slower. Recognized the problem of internal conflict as a meditative tandem device. 

Rest, even if you don't sleep... rest. Rest your mind, rest your arms, rest the shoulders, rest and slow down. 

To be continued as my too much genealogy has given me an headache. Need cartoons soon as laying down helps. The rain helped me sleep too, oh so nice hearing the big drops pour, releasing tension.



 My energies are stagnant; must be a retrograde somewhere? I am very sorry that money was wasted on that template toaster software!, they didn't respond to facebook instant messages. Wish I could get that money back!!! ohhh what is wrong with me. sighs. That's money not coming back. I found it rather odd designing with it; lack of video tutorials for one. Documentation was okay. My ego jumped then fell like humpty dumpty. Lesson learned?... stop repeating the same mistakes. 

At least with the blogger guide am able to get something going. Really didn't want anything splashy for a creative writing blog to begin with. Its on the raw side now, like the episode of Spongebob where he became abrasive. 

My heart is still heavy with emotional trauma from the two prior days. Reality bites back? or am I living in a dream world again, where visions of dancing with actor Andy Garcia abound?  sighs

bye for now

p.s.- need to bring out that creative writing journal I bought a couple years ago from Five Below. Never used it and am thinking it may be an outlet for blogging as well. Time to put my thinking cap on. 


Experiment in reverse psychology

 You cannot tell me that reverse psychology doesn't exist. I tried doing the same thing my 91 year old dad does, Lmao. Oh holy cow, can we say hypocrite really LOUD! 

Let me get this straight... you can close my door when you get cold and force me to turn my heat up... which is fine..

I can close my door when I am cold and turn the heat up. You open the door and tell me not to because you're cold and you need the heat... 

There's no logic in this, is there? You can’t have it both ways... 



 Alas.. A December holiday wouldn't be the same without full blown depression. 

No, seriously. How many out there like myself placed in emotional situations you try to break the cycle? 

I must be patient and continue within my spirit guides? I just cannot believe what transpired in a few weeks because of control and something deeper... What's deeper than making your only disabled daughter heartbroken? There must be a certain cruelty involved ? A 90 year old sick man who doesn't like smells even if means that another person is happy and content? You continue with your selfish needs and disregard me as much as the paper products you throw out monthly. Even after everything I've done to keep peace and maintain at least some sanity in a world filled with injustice at smaller things. 

I never thought in a million years that he would do this; take away my livelihood.i loved my coloring and was very good at it. Lots of co!oring books and art supplies for my hobby to keep me happy and sane....


I'm done... Temporarily. But... There's nothing for me to do anymore except cry at random times, play solitaire or sit on the floor by the heat register to ease the tight muscle tensions surrounding my 4 Harrington rods and arthritic neck. Why don't you take a bath or shower , you may feel a bit better? 

With what? No hot water. Oh yeah... I don't have any deodorant, shampoo or toothpaste because they all smell. Let's see.. Last time I washed my hair.. Weeks ago in bed. I have a basin with an old water gallon jug that I use occasionally to clean myself. The shampoo slash body cleaner is hidden on a second shelf. 

Oh and for colored pencils...

If you think I'm getting rid of expensive ones, go screw yourself .

I wish the best dad but I'm not ready to leave this earth 



Been up all night, eyes swollen from excessive crying, 
Holidays or aka holidaze in my brain, a major blow to my creativity has been torched again by the voided neurons of a 90 year old. 
No coloring books for awhile as he settles down due to dementia. 
Is there a broken rule that I must forgive myself first then healing begins again?
Energies suck during major depressive episodes. I don't care for Thanksgiving or Christmas.
This was bad one however, my bff was around to text me straight.

Not a holiday but holidaze... 


Campfire story

 Ok. So this was written as a Halloween challenge in a graphics forum am a member of. Really had me thinking about the holiday and relaying experiences through storytelling. I've never thought of this before!... what if... what if my poetry words stumble a little, just a little...

and a horizon forms in parallel. This has happened before!- previous spiritual blog, 13 years ago. 
Alas... halloween energies that surprise! 
Spiritual trangressions of the third kind was the title of that blog. 

How about using my trauma/past experiences to write a story??? 

I had to come back to this because my brain froze. After reading some of the posts, decided to start writing. Picture if you will, a 7 year old girl. Grows up with 4 older brothers, she's the last child and only girl. She's not a troublemaker, doesn't lash out and shows courtesy as much as possible.

She sleeps in a room, alone; and can't figure out if her dreams are real or a nightmare. An experience based on unknown trauma carries her- three times within her life. At age 30 and 44, the same dream/nightmare projects itself into her soul. 

Now some people may call what she has experienced as an OBE or out of body experience. Hypnosis doesn't help uncover why this has happened to her nor does self help youtube sleep meditations.


her beloved best friend crossed over. She searches for her friend to at least gain some mental clarity. 

However, mom, always told her that she'll be okay as you can always talk to her- out loud or even a silent prayer.  ..." You must remember that not everything is black and white nor can you keep walking down the straight and narrow. " ---- MOM quote. 

" What am I seeing? I see myself sliding across the wall then upwards towards the ceiling and stayed there. Floating above but underneath... voided." 

What happened to her???? ... to be continued... ?



The sun is out. Nice cool breeze against my skin giving me goosebumps. Not feeling too inspired to blog but am having some difficulty finding my brain lately. Like stillness. 

Just don't know what is wrong with me. Or if there is something wrong. ?


Brain hum

Brain hums; new layout coming soon.

Reflection on theme and style

Hot wind, new direction..

future life promises peace

Cold air, shadows no longer lurk

Wild spirit meet child within. 


writing prompts + inspiration tweaks

Dated 2003 to 2011, Creative writing prompts is a site that features numbered prompts to get your brain tweaking.  I keep it bookmarked as a fun reference. Been keeping extra busy lately since my 90 year old dad has my toes a tappin' as a caregiver. Its quite difficult to find a balance of time to create, let alone catch a breath. However, mine has shifted since the end of March when he wound up in hospital with a kidney lesion complication. That being said, it had me pondering about where the need to randomly write can come from. ANYWHERE!

Inspiration can come when least expected, even through the darkest of shadows. Because life skills cannot be taught, they should be happy accidents, like old Bob Ross painting videos. Just go with it. If something doesn't feel right, don't push. Let yourself be free; in spirit, body and mind. Whether you start singing that favorite song while waiting at a red light or a web page that doesn't want to load during a Saturn retrograde... write about it.

Careful disguise of wording is recommended. 

brain freeze

time hasn't stopped.
blog layout for poetry;iffy.
Spirit alive, glazed eyes fixated on computer screen.

Humming Styx's Too Much Time on my hands.